Some time ago, I turned fifty. I'm fine with that. I look back over the last fifty years, and I see so many ways that God has blessed me when He was justified to curse me; preserved me when He was justified to destroy me; comforted me when He was justified to condemn me. Beside, all the people my age are turning fifty now!
I have gotten many birthday cards over the years, but I was most delighted with a couple that I got from Lydia this year. She made them herself, and here they are:
This one was such a delight to me, and told me so much! I says, "Mom! You're always there when I need you..." When I opened the card, I saw illustrated many things I have told Lydia repeated, because I thought she didn't hear me.
The inside caption, "and when I don't need you!" tells me that she heard me. She heard me say these superficial tidbits that she included in this card, and she heard also other things.
This card, said one of those things, that this mother needed to hear. Yes, I needed to hear this. Thanks, Lydia.
Father, I thank you for the blessing of daughters. I thank you for your mercy. Thank you that you remember not the sins of my youth. Thank you for making me a happy mother of children. Thank you for being Strength in my weakness. Thank you that you are sufficient to redeem the years that the locusts have eaten. Thank you, Father, thank you.