Come, Read the Bible with Me!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Wind Blows Whereever it Pleases (Jn 3:8)

I cannot speak for anyone else who was there, only for myself. It's the oddest thing.

I am at Planned Parenthood very little on Thursdays. Sometimes, it seems as though that is my whole world, but it's only one hour out of one day in a whole week of them.

God saved a little one Thursday from death. He did it so quietly, and with no help from us. God is powerful, able, and sovereign. God is frightening in His power! He saved one little one, the one He planned to save, the one who's Mom walked into the building without much being said to her. Suddenly, the fog cleared, the lights came on, and she said, "I don't have to do this!"

Now, this is what was told to me, and I believe it. There have been other events that have been told to me that I passed on immediately. This one I didn't. To my shame, in my mind, it is so unspectacular. What a sinful woman I am!

This was spectacular! God showed his servants here, that when we plead with someone, and they change their minds, GOD SAVED A BABY FROM DEATH! Although God calls us there, and makes us faithful and effective, it is GOD WHO SAVES and not we ourselves.

In what can I boast? Let him who boasts, boast in the LORD! (I Corinthians 1:31)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Praise be to God for saving another baby! Keep up the good work!