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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow..Snow...Bea-U-tiful Snow!


Yes, Lydia had her long awaited snow day today (first one this year), and as a result, got to watch some amazing episodes of Sponge Bob Square Pants, cleaned out her closet and organized (!) and missed out on one more amazing game in the 15-0 season of the Edgewood Mustang Boys Basketball! What a day!

Holly had a "24 hour dispesement of classes" at Purdue (first one since 1990). She had already had her Japanese test this morning though, before classes were canceled for this afternoon, but she is happy to be out of the snow for a time.

I had my first snow day since high school (actually since teaching high school). My boss actually told us to stay home. I was quite surprized, and because of it, I got to learn more the joy of submission, and the power of God through a praying husband. I also got to exercise and help my husband clean out the linen closet. I also started to sew a dress. I hope it turns out, I could really use a success story right now.

All of the trees around our house are coated with ice. The Bradford Pear in our front yard is the only one in the neighborhood that hasn't been broken by weather. It is about due. (Although my husband has been good about pruning it, which I think has strenthened it.) I am concerned about our little Weeping Willow. It is just several years old, and is bent to the ground. It was just starting to look interesting last year. Ah, well, like myself, if it doesn't break, it will be stronger for the trouble (James?)

Glen had a snow da... Hey wait a minute, he's retired. I don't think this counts as a snow day for him. Although, he was going to get tires for the van today, and that errand was called off due to snow... It counts.

1 comment:

Kim said...

So, did your doggy get a snow day as well?

I have not sewed a dress since Josh was VERY little... good thing, it was an "interesting" fit to say the least.

Stay warm!